Friday, February 19, 2010

Priceless treasures...

There are some moments in every one's life which awakens the body and mind, gives goose bumps just by the mere thought about it and makes us long to experience that again and again.

Moments that free our soul and gets us drenched into that sublime pool of bliss.

Life in Far East

1.Wake up to the sound of crowing rooster, wipe of my eyes and put on a lungi, enjoy the mild chill, clean up the dew drops from the cycle seat, listen to the soothing suprabhatham from far, ride a bicycle to the nearest teashop, enjoy a nice conversation with the locals and savor a medium tea with 'kadi'

2. Reading the news paper, sitting in the veranda with occasional talking to the neighbors walking past and smell of breakfast lingering from chimney.

3. Family tea time in the evening in the kitchen, sitting on the door threshold gazing at the backyard and gossiping about relatives while mom cooks.

4. Enjoying a nice cutlet and coffee from Indian Coffee House at Sanghumukham with my love, watching the waves, fishermen and people in general.

5. Taking a walk in the museum gardens with my partner, biting on some peanuts and later watching a cultural event in nishagandhi.

Life in West

1. Cuddling my love on a Saturday morning and be half asleep dreaming about the life we have treaded so far and enjoy the togetherness.

2. Morning trip to San Francisco, watching the ocean, early birds, enjoy a cup of latte, clicking the perfect city life and walking around the city.

3. After a busy day at work, winding down on a Friday evening with few friends, enjoying a good glass of red and sharing the joy.

4. Enjoying a rainy SF noon drinking a bowl of hot soup and watching the pouring rain and a soaked up downtown.

5. After sleepless nights in Vegas, playing a round of blackjack at 4.00 in the morning


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